Oklahoma, Non-Resident of Texas, LTC CCW CHL Online Handgun Class
Oklahoma Has A Reciprocal Agreement With Texas and Vise Versa
You can take our online Texas LTC class from anywhere in the United States and receive a Texas license to carry without ever coming to Texas. It also does not matter what State you are a resident of or what States drivers license you have. Texas issues a permit to residents of all 50 States. Non-Texas Residents may be exempt from the shooting portion if they are military OR veterans. Check with your state to confirm. Others on the exempt list from having to to do the shooting portion will obviously be certain Texas residents. Texas and 36 other states honor the Texas Concealed Carry handgun permit. This means that even though you might be in one of 14 states which does not honor Texas license, you can still carry a handgun in one of the 36 that does. Learn individual state laws pertaining to traveling though those states.
States honoring a Texas LTC-
- Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming
For Oklahoma residents wishing to have the legal right to carry a handgun in most other states. Texas and 36 other states honor the Texas Concealed Carry handgun permit. This means that even though you might be in one of 14 states which does not honor Texas license, you can still carry a handgun in one of the 36 that does. Learn individual state laws pertaining to traveling though those states.
States honoring a Texas LTC-
- Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming

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Customer Service
Oklahoma Residents, Non-Resident of Texas, CCW LTC 4 Hour CHL Class Handgun Class ONLINE – This is the Texas DPS approved online course for the Texas Online Concealed Carry LTC Class. Complete the online course instead of a classroom setting.
Get certified online for your Texas license to carry. Our Texas online license to carry class is the official online Texas LTC class certified by the Texas Department of Public Safety. We make it easy to get your Texas license to carry. Unlike others, our online class is easy and we break everything down so it’s easy for everyone to understand. We also assist you in finding a local LTC instructor in your area to complete the shooting portion after you take our online.
You can take our license to carry class from the comfort of your own home or anywhere else for that matter, 24/7 at your own pace and on your own schedule. No more spending all day on a Saturday sitting in a crowded classroom. Our online class is available to everyone regardless of where you live in Texas. Our online Texas LTC class is certified Statewide.
As soon as you complete our online course you will be able to instantly download your official certificate of training that’s required to apply for your Texas license to carry. You will also learn how to apply for your license in our online class.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Who Can Take The Non-Resident Texas Online LTC Class?
Anyone from anywhere in ALL 50 STATES can take our official Texas Online License to Carry Class. It does not matter what city you are in! Our LTC class is certified and approved by Texas DPS Statewide. Once the class has been completed, your certificate of completion, LTC-101 will be immediately available to download. You can take our online class on your desktop, laptop, tablet or smart phone! Take our online class at your own pace and on your own schedule from the comfort of your home.
Administered through videos that are broken into 15-20 minute segments, you can take the online LTC class at your own pace from anywhere in Texas. Progress is saved at the completion of each video, allowing you to take the online LTC class as fast or slow as you want. Watch for 15 minutes and come back to continue another day, or watch all 4 hours. Its all up to you! Developed to be taken from your computer, smartphone or tablet, you have the most flexibility when choosing when and how to take the class.
Both men and women should consider carrying a concealed weapon. On Good Friday, April 4, 1980, the unthinkable happened to 22-year-old Suzanne Knuth. Knuth and her husband Calvin were heading to a friend’s house for dinner, in Galveston, when their car broke down. While Calvin was going to get help, Knuth decided to walk to her Beaumont home.
Knuth, however, did not make it home. She was abducted and taken to a remote area of Galveston County Beach. The Suspect (Texas Law Requires the Name Redacted) later confessed to attempting to rape and strangle Knuth, eventually burying her alive at the beach. Her body was found 18 days later, after Wicker led police to the area of the beach where he had killed her. When the officers finally found her, her hands were out of the grave site as she had tried to claw her way out. https://murderpedia.org/male.W/w1/wicker-chester-lee.htm
Here’s one review: https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2013/05/jeremy-s/gun-review-taurus-738-tcp/
“My local range rents basically all of the .380 micro compact pistols on the market – Kahr, Diamondback, S&W, Kel-Tec, SIG, Ruger, AMT, Magnum Research, Colt, Taurus, etc., etc. They’re popular rentals and popular sellers. Some of them have been trashed and replaced with new ones due to extreme wear and breakages. One had gone back to the factory a dozen times for repairs and had also been fixed in-house at least as many times before they just trashed it. In fact, they’re on their third example of that same gun and the same parts continue to break every thousand rounds or so (and weird parts, like the trigger return spring). I’m telling you this because they tell me the TCP is the most reliable pocket .380 in their rental case. Their renter has over 10,000 rounds through it with no breakages. None of the other contenders can claim that. The SIG P238 is, however, a close runner up (one in-house repair). The Ruger LCP, known as a stout little gun, comes in third (with a warranty trip or two). But the others don’t seem to like high round counts and rental-type abuse.”
Oklahoma, Non-Resident of Texas, CCW LTC 4 Hour CHL Class
Gun Safety Basics
According to the 2016 edition of the Industry Intelligence Report by the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the number of unintentional firearm related fatalities have declined by 57% over the past two decades. These statistics indicate that firearm safety training is critical and effective.
The decision to own a firearm must also include one’s commitment to frequent training. Training gives you the confidence you need to effectively use your firearm as a defensive weapon.
While having a firearm does not guarantee your personal protection, the proper training gives you the ability to better protect yourself and your family. The following gun safety rules are extremely important and should be exercised at all times.
- Always treat every gun as if it were loaded. Even when you know that a gun is unloaded, handle it as if it were loaded.
- Never put your finger on the trigger until you are ready to fire.
- Always keep your guns unloaded until you are ready to use them. Stored guns must be unloaded guns. A gun used for home defense or carried for personal defense is not considered “stored.” For home defense we recommend that you purchase a lockable safe designed for quick access. There are many different types on the market that allow you to safely and quickly retrieve your weapon. Ideally, when storing your gun, it is best to store the ammunition separately.
- Always know what is beyond your target. Not every round you fire hits the intended target or stops within the target. As you practice shooting, keep in mind that you may need to defend yourself in an area where others are present.
- Always wear eye and ear protection. Guns are loud, and fired rounds produce an eye hazard! While worrying about eye and ear protection in a self-defense situation isn’t practical, having the ability to see or hear a threat is!
- Never use alcohol or other drugs before or while shooting. Alcohol and other drugs may result in mental or physical impairment and should be avoided when handling a firearm.
- Never look down the barrel of your gun. Even when cleaning or checking for ammunition, never look down the barrel of your gun. There is never a good reason to look down your gun barrel.
- Store guns so they are not accessible to unauthorized persons. When storing your gun, you should use additional safeties other than the mechanical safeties built into your gun.
- Clean your gun as the manufacturer recommends. Cleaning and firearm maintenance are important factors in your firearm’s ability to fire safely and effectively.
- Use the correct ammunition for your handgun. Most guns have the correct ammunition type stamped on the barrel. Ammunition may be identified by the information on the box or cartridge to fire safely and effectively.
- Ensure that those around you follow the safety rules. To ensure your safety, make certain that others follow these safety rules as well.
Summary of Texas License-To-Cary LTC Laws
Texas is a shall-issue state with concealed weapons permits issued at the state level by the Texas DPS Department of Public Safety.
No permits are required for legal rifles and shotguns.
There is no permit, background check, or firearms registration required when buying a handgun from a private individual. Moving to Texas from another state does not require a permit, background check, or firearms registration.
Open carry is only legal with a Texas LTC or a concealed carry license/permit from a state with reciprocity, provided the handgun is carried in a belt or shoulder belt holster. The minimum age is 21 years old or 18 years old for active-duty military.
Concealed carry is legal with a Texas LTC or a concealed carry license/permit from a state with reciprocity, and are issued to both residents and non-residents. They require a four- to six-hour training course as well as passing both a written exam and a shooting proficiency demonstration. Some areas are off-limits, including racetracks and secure areas of airports. In terms of reciprocity, Texas honors permits from states that meet specific criteria.
No permit or LTC are required to carry a handgun concealed in a personal vehicle. LTC restricted areas still apply.
Texas is a “stand your ground” and Castle Doctrine state. The law presumes you acted justifiably and reasonably if you use deadly force to protect yourself or another against an unlawful, forceful intrusion into your occupied habitation (where you sleep at night), vehicle, place of business, or employment; or to prevent an unlawful, forceful attempt to remove a lawful occupant from the occupied habitation, vehicle, place of business or employment; or to prevent certain serious felonies such as burglary or arson.
There is no duty to retreat if faced with a situation where you have to use force or deadly force to protect yourself or another.
Concealed Handgun Permits and Handgun Purchases
Concealed Handgun permits have risen across the country over the last four years. Today in the United States there are over 19.5 Million people that have a permit to carry firearms concealed. That is more than 34% higher than 2016.
Since March of 2020 more than 7.4 Million handguns have been purchased, and ammunition is hard to find. Americans are taking their personal protection more serious than ever. As we look deeper into some of the states, we are seeing interesting trends relating to firearms and concealed carry among citizens.
Concealed Carry Demographics are Changing
Women who carry now make up over 25% or more of the concealed carriers. There are classes now for women only, along with a rise in female instructors and markets that cater specifically to women. In states that provided information regarding gender, it’s been found that the number of women who have permits grew over 101% faster than men during the last eight years.
Other interesting trends have shown that from 2015-2020 African Americans who have permits has increased over 55% of that of White Americans, and the fastest growing population is Asian-Americans which is growing more than 62% higher than White Americans. This comes from states that collect data regarding race of permit holders.
More Americans are take their Personal Protection More Seriously
The desire for law-abiding Americans to protect themselves is rising, and there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight. As Americans take their personal protection more seriously, we have seen gun sales reach record highs. Accessories for firearms have reached new level highs, ammunition is hard to find, and training is at a high demand. More Americans across the board are deciding protection of their home and persons are their responsibility and are taking the steps to ensure they are safe.
Another outstanding conceal EDC is from Bond Arms.
BOND ARMS, INC. is located in Granbury, Texas and manufactures the award-winning Bond Arms Double Barrel Handgun – the finest in double barrel protection.
Originally organized under the name Texas Armory, the company became incorporated as Bond Arms in 1995 with the idea that the Remington Model 95 over-under, single-action derringer could be converted from an Old West anachronism into a modern defensive handgun. The barrel and frame were redesigned to safely fire modern calibers. The beefed-up double barrels and frames are constructed completely from stainless steel, and shaped with modern manufacturing processes. This makes for a pistol that’s both strong and durable.